Project financier Joanne Butcher shares expertise with Media X students

University of Pacific’s Media X program was honored to host a talk by Joanne Butcher titled: “The #1 secret to finding investors for your next project.”

Butcher is an international speaker and Filmmaker Success Mentor, with 20 years of training in film finance, fundraising, scriptwriting, distribution, and exhibition.

Butcher served as the global marketing curator for YouTube’s UK Movie Channel and has raised millions of dollars from companies such as Microsoft, Yahoo, Cisco, individual foundations including the Kresge Foundation, the San Francisco Foundation and many more, as well as individuals.

She served as executive director of the Alliance Cinema on Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, IFP/Miami and as a founder of IFP/National. She collaborates with the Brazilian Film Festival and the Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival.

She created and spearheaded the Florida Statewide Film Competition that provided $200,000 in cash and services to a feature film. Her clients currently have 15 feature films, both narrative and documentary, in a range of stages of development from pre-production to delivery, as well as several shorts and two new series for PBS.

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